Handfuls of History, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 provide perspectives on history and culture based on research related to specific artifacts.
Click the images of Volume 1 or 2 to learn more about the books and see sample entries.
Volume 1 covers the history of firearm development, the technology and the historical events influenced by the changes in firearms over the course of several centuries.
Volume 2 covers edged weapons used by different cultures through the years and around the world.
Volume 3 covers the ancient history of Greece and Rome illustrated with authentic coins. There is thorough discussion of the Greek city states and their colonies, and Rome from the early days of the Republic to the beginning of the Christian Empire. The coins portray the divinities worshiped by the ancients, their legends and histories, as well as their rulers who came to be worshiped as gods themselves. The epilog traces the story of Roman coins that have a legacy in coins used today.
The first two volumes are rich with high-resolution images of the artifacts that allow you to inspect them as if they were in your hands. Click on the disk images above to learn more about the two books. They are available as digital resources for installation on your computer. Volumes 1 & 2 install as stand-alone web pages that allow you to browse them in multiple ways. Volume 3 will be available soon as a standard book and able to be purchased through Amazon.